5 Tips to Plan A Wedding without Losing Your Mind

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Photo by True Photography Weddings

Lately, we’ve been hunting for the best websites and apps to help us manage our workflow in the studio. That’s how we came across WorkFlowy, which works great for organizing wedding-workflow as well. With an event as big and complex as a wedding, using a task-manaegment tool like WorkFlowy will help you keep organized and keep your sanity at the same time. So of course, we had to share! Don’t worry, you can thank us later! ;)

Check out WorkFlowy’s tips for using their system as a wedding-planning tool, and our tips for a less-stress wedding below the link!
Plan Your Wedding Without Going Insane by WorkFlowy


How to Plan a Wedding Without Losing Your Mind


1. Stay. Organized.

Whether your wedding is big or small, there will be a list of tasks beyond just Dress, Flowers, and Cakes. Categorize the types of tasks to be done (like apparel, decor, catering, bridal party, stationery, etc.) and then organize subtasks as needed. If you start the planning process in an organized way, you can see it through until the big day itself!


2. Keep a timeline.

Just like outlining project deadlines at work or keeping track of homework due-dates in college, success comes when you know when things need to be done. Having a timeline frees up your mind to not worry endlessly over every detail 24 hours a day, because you’ll know there’s a time and place for everything. “We’re talking about dresses next week. Right now it’s only time to focus on invitations.” 

Give your tasks a general or specific timeframe to be completed in. You’ll get a great sense of satisfaction as you cross things off that list before the deadline!


3. Know when to ask for help.

Delegate, delegate, delegate. A wedding is a big event, and you shouldn’t be taking it on alone. Whether by hiring a wedding planner or assembling a team of trusted friends and family, make sure you have people around who support you and can help you cross things off that task list without pushing their own agendas on you. And ladies; don’t forget to include your groom; remember that it’s his wedding day too!


4. Keep It Classy

No one likes a Bridezilla. Or a Groomzilla, for that matter! (And they do exist!) Sometimes things will go wrong, and when those times come, remember to act kindly and gracefully while addressing the problem. Remember that in-laws, bridesmaids, vendors, caterers and planners have feelings too, and above all, they’re here to help!


5. Remember Why You’re Planning a Wedding

First and foremost, a wedding is a beautiful celebration of love, filled with family, friends, and happiness. It’s easy to lose sight of that when caught up in the details of colors and fabrics and flowers and guestlists and the headaches that come along with all of those things. Remember to take time to breathe, hang out with your friends, take a date night with your future wife/hubby to-be.

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