View the original 2014 Color of the Year inspiration images on our Pinterest Board. Image credit goes to their respective owners and photographers. Menu and placecards designed by Cherish Paperie.
An Online Stationery Company with Inspirations to Cherish for a Lifetime
Summer is ending and the kids are heading back to school. And for most that means packing up their back packs, making their lunches, and preparing for the first few days of a new routine. Sometimes the beginning of a school year can be a bit stressful, and because our last Free Printable was so popular, we’re [...]
Imagine this scenario: you’re out and about when you find yourself in need of sharing your number with someone you’ve just met. Maybe it’s the woman who has a son in your child’s kindergarten class, wanting to get your kids together for a play date. Maybe it’s a potential employer who has asked if he [...]
As a newlywed I found my passion in the kitchen by trying out new recipes and ideas given to me at my bridal shower. The love and kind words my friends and family wrote down along side their family recipes inspired me to continue cooking for my husband, and now family, even after botching a [...]
Living by the water always makes me turn to nautical charm when considering design ideas. And these starfish wedding programs do just that. These starfish wedding program charms are the perfect way to add a little flair to your program but still keep the programs beautiful and elegant. These starfish wedding programs have the [...]
We were so excited to be asked to design the stationery for this gorgeous Urban Metallic Wedding Photo Shoot with Inspired by This and Sterling Social to be featured in Magnolia Rouge magazine! The concept of this shoot was absolutely genius: An engagement party turned into an intimate ceremony with just the couple’s close friends [...]
February 14th is right around the corner and is the perfect way to use stationery to show those you love how much you care. With a few minutes of your time and some beautiful paper you can create something they will cherish forever. Some are more intricate than others, and some come with their own [...]
Cherish Paperie is featured in Bridal Guide! Check out the January/February 2013 issue of Bridal Guide magazine for another look at the gorgeous bohemian bridal shower stationery. We first shared this bridal shower photo shoot with you when it was on Bride & Bloom last November and are so excited to see it again in [...]
Source When I stumbled upon the pictures for these adorable rose cards on Maureen Cracknell Handmade’s blog I knew we had to try them out. They were beautiful and unique. Plus they used up the end of a vegetable that I might have just thrown away when I was done using it. This tutorial is [...]
Custom Note Cards (incl. envelopes) – 16 for $18 Cherish Paperie not only designs wedding stationery and holiday cards, we also design stationery for the everyday occasions. Need to send a thank you card? Why not send it on beautiful, personalized stationery. Need a birthday card? Why not have us design a custom set of [...]
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